September 8, 2010

Nathan's breakfast

Nathan's about 5 and takes his blends orally so taste is important.  As well as a variety of hearty soups and more 'regular' meals done up in the blender, Michelle S makes this for his fruit/breakfast blend:

16 oz frozen fruit (peaches are one of his favorite)
16 oz frozen fruit (pineapples are one of his favorite)
4-6 oz of another fruit that I'm trying to get him to like (strawberries,
blueberries, plums - thinking about grapefruit, whatever works for you)
1/2 cup of organic, gluten free oatmeal cooked
- cooked in 1 cup of rice milk
- 1 heaping tablespoon of coconut concentrate (for calories)

Blend that up - makes about 8 cups (I think), and I use it for a few days (3?
something like that).

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