February 3, 2011

Great new resource!

This site right here was started in large part because there just wasn't a good place to get all of that start-up and how-to information in one place, especially valuable for those just starting out on a tubefeeding or BD journey.  The main online resource I found when I got my tube was the Yahoo! groups 'Blenderized Diet' list, which is really busy and chock full of great supportive, experienced and knowledgeable members.  But the nature of such a list means there's no easy way to just have a read for example about different ways to approach your first blend.  Or what the deal is with bolus feeding.  That sort of thing.

This site can do some of that, but of course has its limitations too.  What if there were a more thread-based forum where you could easily browse headings for subject matter, like "Why do a blenderized diet?"  or focus down on a single area like "Adults with g-tubes" and read what others have to say....follow the conversations, and join in?

Well now there is, it's blenderizeddiet.net.

I can't claim any credit at all for its inception, but I do know the person behind it to be a motivated, conscientious and committed person who'll make an excellent job of it.  It's only brand new and like all new things will go through a few settling-in changes and such, but I'd encourage everyone to hop on board, hit "Forums" and jump right in.  You can start new topics, reply to others, and soon there'll be a recipe-sharing and photo-sharing facility too, so I'm told.

Can never have too many options for information and support, I reckon.

1 comment:

  1. Weirdest thing. I clicked that link about that BD group but alas I was um booted and yeah.
