I take full and complete responsibility for my actions, thoughts and words, right or wrong, correct or incorrect, on this site and in my life. I take absolutely no responsibility for anything you do, think, or experience as a result of any action, thought or word of mine.
This site is full of my opinions. It also contains the opinions of others, which I may or may not agree with. I think most or all of my opinions are good, or I wouldn't have them. From time to time I change my mind or learn something new, and I hope your life is like that too. what I say is good for me (usually) but maybe not for you. You must decide, with your own discretion, what is right for you right now.
I am not a qualified medical professional and nothing I offer here should be misconstrued as comprising qualified advice or instruction. I make no claims to be always correct with information, although I always try my best. If you can show me where and how I am wrong about something, please do.
If you do choose to do, think, or say something as a result of what you read on this site, then you must understand, as with all of your life, that you are responsible for that - not me.
My intentions and motivations in creating and/or reproducing material on this site are, as far as I'm concerned, truthful, loving and honourable. I mean no harm.
If you fall off your chair laughing, well sorry, but I am not liable. If your tube does not get unclogged using some method I report as having been effective, well, try another. It was your choice to try it, not mine. If you get tired eyes from reading this site, I suggest taking a rest. I am not liable for your eye strain. If you are offended by something I have written, I am sorry, but it is your offence, not my offence against you. Please express any displeasure to me and I'll try to do a better job of communication. I think we have the general idea now, yes?
Opinion, remember, that is all.
Just because it's in writing doesn't always make it true.
What you do is up to you.